祝贺你被十大彩票平台录取,欢迎来到山猫大学 Nation! As an incoming FIRST-YEAR, FRESHMAN, TRANSFER, TRANSIENT or POSTBACCALAUREATE 学生,你需要完成下面列出的被录取学生的后续步骤. 

First Steps

Complete these steps as soon as possible 在你被十大彩票平台录取之后,这样你就可以为第一场比赛做好准备了 day of classes.

在被十大彩票平台录取后,您将获得一个唯一的myEGSC用户名. 请注意,您的用户名可以被识别为您的电子邮件地址的第一部分 before the @ symbol. For example, if the email address is jsmith123@honghuinet.com then the username will be jsmith123. To find your username, please visit the article on the myEGSC Help page.

如果您在访问您的帐户时遇到任何问题,请联系IT帮助台 at 478-289-2004 or csworkFREEOMNIUPDATE.

Your username is different from your student ID number. Your student ID number is the nine-digit number located on your acceptance letter. It will take about 48–72 几个小时后,你可以使用你的新用户名访问学生系统.

Login to myEGSC是东乔治亚州的学生信息门户网站,提供有关学生档案的信息, registration, financial aid, advisor, grades, and more.

为确保您的帐户安全,请参阅学生帐户设置电子邮件 发送到您的个人邮箱,详细说明您的初始密码.

如需进一步协助,请致电478-289-2004或 csworkFREEOMNIUPDATE.

确保探索了所有的工具和应用程序,并学会了导航门户 so you will be familiar with its use.

Login into your CatMail student email account (通过Office 365),这是有关信息的官方沟通方式 orientation, registration, course information, and billing.

Check your email at least once a day!

我们的迎新模块是对东乔治亚大学生活的有效、虚拟介绍 State. 一旦你完成虚拟定向,你会被提示提交预注册 调查并登记一个亲自的新生入学日期. New students 无法注册课程,必须到NSO领取课程表.

Visit the Orientation page to get started.

Your application for financial aid can also verify your citizenship.

Get started with your FAFSA application and but sure to add East Georgia’s FAFSA code of 010997

这份申请将决定你是否有资格获得所有联邦和州援助计划. 我们鼓励你提交FAFSA,即使你认为你没有资格申请联邦贷款 因为这份申请将审查你是否有资格获得HOPE奖学金 and other financial aid opportunities. 

Visit our financial aid website for information about scholarships.

If you wish to live in on-campus housing, please visit the Housing page. 校内住宿目前只提供给在斯温斯伯勒就读的学生 campus. 

在斯泰茨伯勒或十大彩票游戏平台就读的学生将需要获得住房 on their own.

您必须提供在美国合法存在的证明才能在州内接收 tuition. Follow the specific steps outlined.

For a list of acceptable documentation, visit the Verification of Lawful Presence page.

Please refer to your official acceptance letter. If you are classified as out-of-state 如果你想接受学校的学费,你必须填写一份住院改正表 or appropriate waiver along with required documentation. For more information, please call the Admissions Office at 478-289-2017.

豁免:如果您在艾肯或埃奇菲尔德县连续居住了12个月, South Carolina, you should complete a border county waiver form. If you have 12 months 在阿拉巴马州,佛罗里达州或南卡罗来纳州连续居住,您应该完成 a border state waiver form. If you are a military service member, you may also be eligible for a waiver. For more information on waivers, please visit our Waivers and Tuition Classification page.

Students who did not take the ACT/SAT OR 参加过ACT/SAT考试,但提交的分数未达到最低要求 将自动被安排在英语和英语语言的学习支持必修课程中 Math. 学生必须参加Accuplacer以确保正确的课程注册.

考试必须在学期开始前参加,入学后不能参加 in academic courses. Any and all ACT/SAT test scores must be submitted for review.

Before Classes Start

Complete these steps as soon as possible 在你被十大彩票平台录取之后,这样你就可以为第一场比赛做好准备了 day of classes.

需要接种MMR、破伤风/白喉、水痘和乙型肝炎疫苗. 如果你住在校园里,你还必须获得脑膜炎/脑膜炎球菌(MENI) vaccine. Click to download required form.

参加完全十大彩票平台远程学习课程的学生可以提交和 exemption as long as they only enroll in fully online courses.  远程教育的学生参加了校内课程或提供的课程 在学校管理的设施将被排除在课堂上,直到证明免疫接种 is submitted.

*宗教,军事和十大彩票平台豁免将需要完成豁免 portion located at the bottom of page 1 of the immunization form.

The Office of Financial Aid uses CampusLogic 协助被选中进行验证或有冲突信息的学生 from the results of their FAFSA. ALL students must activate their CampusLogic account by using their myEGSC credentials. Parents/guardians may also need an account to e-sign any required document for their student. 

*Students must have a completed FAFSA on file before activation.

如果你参加了ACT或SAT考试,请要求提供一份成绩报告,以确保适当的学术 Placement prior to registering for classes.

如果你参加了AP, IB或CLEP,请要求一份成绩报告来接收大学 credit prior to registering for classes. 

在Banner Web的“财务援助”选项卡中查看您的财务援助奖. You must accept/deny aid as needed. Check remaining balance due and be prepared to pay your bill by the first day of class. 

ONLINE: Contact Financial Aid (honghuinet.com)
PHONE: 478-289-2009
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
JAM Student Center, across from Admissions in Swainsboro
Nessmith Lane Center in Statesboro
Galloway Hall in Augusta

为了让你的经济援助资金用来支付你的学费和杂费 或在书店使用(电子图书券),必须先“授权” East Georgia State College to use your funds to pay on your account. Federal Aid and Hope Aid are authorized separately. If you elect not to let EGSC use your financial 援助学费和杂费,你将被要求自掏腰包支付任何学费和 fees owed by the fee payment deadline or your courses will be dropped. 

在你可以注册课程之前,你需要完成学生财务 责任协议,承认你理解你是负责任的 for the payment of all tuition, fees, and other associated costs.

Please check your CatMail for instructions.

您的猫卡是您的正式学生证,可以在培训结束后获得 you have been registered for classes. Please visit the Submit Student ID Photo page for more information.

Show all credits and the date of your high school graduation. Submit an official college 如果你是通过双录取方式进入其他大学或学院的 program with final grades posted.

军事人员、他们的配偶和受抚养的子女可以领取 military benefits to pay for their tuition here at East Georgia. For more information, please visit the Veterans and Military page.
East Georgia works to accommodate students with disabilities. If you have a disability 并需要特殊服务,请联系咨询和残疾办公室 Services by calling 478-289-2039.

学费支付计划将你的学费余额分解为可负担的每月付款. 没有利息,付款方式灵活,设置费用负担得起,而且 it’s easy to enroll! Students who have not received their financial aid by the first 上课的日子,或者是搬进来的日子,或者是那些打算自掏腰包的日子 他们的学费被鼓励注册Nelnet学费支付计划,以防止 being dropped from their classes.


Familiarize yourself with our many student clubs and organizations on any of our three campuses before arriving. From chess and leadership to the performing arts and politics, there’s a group for every interest.